What You See, Depends On What You Are Looking For.

As we move through the world, we are bombarded by a conversation that the world is having.  During this time in human history it is popular to discuss, share, and involve ourselves with various messages about how there is not enough; not enough time, not enough resources etc.  In short, there is a virus that is being passed around (via-us) that has an undertone of fear, doubt, lack, loss, and worry.  In a NOW shell, most of the world is living in Scarcity, that is, Scare-city – believing in the Media-ocrity that is plaguing the earth and buying into a substandard way of life. Staying small. 

And yet, underneath this doom and gloom story of life on planet Earth, there is an extraordinary harmony, a divine pulse of celebration, life is flourishing and infinite possibilities are ready to be disturbed into action.  Fresh ideas!  Creativity!  Genius!  Abundant and powerful ideas that can be expressed through individuals, individuals like you and like me. If only we become the right condition and become available to catch these ideas and then focus and flow energy to bring them from the ‘Ideasphere’ into the sweet adventure of manifestation.

 But, in order to bring these fresh-isms into today’s plan, there is an important and critical task at hand.  The task is to uproot from Media-ocrity and to put a strict quality control processing department on our very own minds.  Meaning, that in the same way we watch what we eat, we also watch what we think and…we watch what we watch out for.

 What we see depends on what we are looking for. If you allow Momenterrorism to take root in your consciousness, you become a victim to your own negative thoughts and emissions, becoming the waking proof that life is hard and that things don’t work out. Yet on the flip side of the NOW coin, the other option beams with an ancient memory that our true nature is one of happiness, joy, prosperity, and wellbeing!  With the same amount of effort you can be happy, healthy, whole, and prosperous!   But the fine print is…you gotta choose it. You get to choose.  Free Will. The greatest opportunity of all time. What do you want to put in your NOW?


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