The Trust Muscle

It has been a delight to discover that Trust is actually a muscle, because I didn’t always have it and now I do.  I remember when I felt the pull to devote myself to a true spiritual practice, how strange it felt to my surface mind to put all my eggs in what felt like a potentially ‘imaginary’ basket.  

It felt uncomfortable, risky and a little bit loopy to look through the surface world of appearances into the fabric underneath it that holds it all together.  In short, to bypass ‘the story’ we are living and enter into an activity with the larger design, takes a lot of passion and focus. The ‘story’ of our lives is so convincing.  I remember it was quite a feat to turn my attention to the Abundance that I am swimming in, when it was a fact I only had $6 dollars in my pocket.  

 Tuning into the Truth of our being takes courage because uprooting from the current paradigm requires an uncomfortable leap into an unknown.  As your vibration shifts, circumstances shift, preferences shift, friends start to fall away, a shift happens on every level – the shift hits the fan so to speak and it can feel like a sudden free fall; nothing to hold onto, with nothing feeling familiar.

 When it comes to a true spiritual practice, you have to go into it as if it has always worked for you, and that’s the catch, it is like the galactic fine print.  To see it really work for you, you have to decide and know that it absolutely works for you!  Alas! Such an epic Cosmic Joke that causes many to never really give their practice of the principles enough airtime! 

 When you decide you want it more than anything, you discover this one great focus spills over into ever corner of your life.  A new personal operating system emerges and you consciously anchor in an ever expanding good!  Before you realise, trust has been cultivated and knowing has made a home in your heart.

The art of NOWism is to rest in the unfolding of life.  To be anchored in the unchangeable truth of the Ultimate Reality.  The Reality beyond the story of your circumstances and conditions.  This is experienced through focusing and participating in the joy, love, wisdom and harmony.  Noticing the abundance and sheer beauty of life in it’s epic orchestration and seeing yourself as a centre in that. 

I like to remember that life can’t bring me anything, I literally can’t get anything from it…but I can bring an immense gift to this very moment and become a distributor of the divine gifts.  Peace, love, joy, prosperity and creativity, is just the beginning!  I practice NOWism!    


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