Sacred Space.

Beach kat


I have used this sacred space to play, create, celebrate and vision. I have walked it for hours to plug into the Truth and to unplug from the incessant ridiculous commentary of my mind.

I have been furious here, belligerent and wild… my heart on fire!

I have been in love here, inspired here, had revelations here and dropped back… deep into my own heart.

I have let go here, remembered here, run naked here and screamed. I have declared from here and shared, slept and woken up here.

And yet NOW, as I stand in this sweet sacred space, these echoes of the past turn up… to simply fade away.

As I laugh at my memories of reacting and responding to life from my little perspective on this majestic beach… I am delighted to know that although I keep banging around in linear time, as an individualized expression of the Divine…BEing Kat Dawes…. all I ever REALLY have is NOW. ∞ Kat Dawes ∞

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