Vibrational Matchez!

Vibrational Matchez

Sometimes… it is not safe to play with matches.  When your vibration is one of fear, doubt or lack, then that is a Universal red flag warning to lift and shift your thinking – before you meet your match.  You see, you are like a magnet and you pull towards yourself people, circumstances and conditions that match the flavor of the vibration you are in; they will join your fire.  Therefore if you are feeling #lack, that is the perfect condition to attract another fine that you feel you cannot pay.  If you are feeling #easy and #flexible, you will attract circumstances where you find, you do not have to wait.  If you are feeling a deep sense of #gratitude and #self love, you may just happen to run into someone else who is grateful and loving; so fun to play with!  You will get a free upgrade, because you are living in that Vibrational context: “My life is amazing!”

So what sort of matchez are you playing with?  Remember NOW NiNJA! You don’t get want you want… you get what you are! 

What are you BEing?  #Anxious? #Doubtful? #Tired? #Confused?  #Optimistic, #Playful? #Powerful? #Poised?  It is all just a game, and you get to theme the day.  So if you wake up with the intention that everything works out for you, and you are living from the answer… you set the tone for the essence of what will come your way. 

Reality plays out according to your vibration; strike a conscious vibrational match.

~Kat Dawes~

#nowism #nowninjaz #match #evohe

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