NOWness ∞

Be still. Be here. NOW.

It is all about taking what you already know…and making it new.

NOWism is way of living. It is a way of being.  It is a way of seeing the world through a filter of celebration.  It is dancing and obeying the Law of Awe.  Taking a mundane thing and chasing it back to its magic cosmic origins.  NOWism is an energetic investment in excellence.  It is an understanding of how to pay for your living expenses.  You have to pay… attention.  Sharp quality control.  Cultivating different colors of kindness, and then sending it deep into yourself so that it spills over into others.  You maintain a default setting of being Great. Full.  Knowing that the good you are looking for, is ALWAYS already given. Always given. Always given. And as you stand in the field of infinity…  you tune yourself into IT.  There is a fork in the road 🙂
And as you tune your interiority to go on a hunt for the Presence of eternal qualities such as love, harmony, ease, flow, creativity, genius… you start to find it. Everywhere.  NOWism is knowing that what you see depends on what you are looking for.  It is the art of smiling from eternity as you wake up from being a Momenterrorist. You recognize the contamination of the present moment; your own fear, doubt, lack, loss and worry and in the heat of the NOW you offset your negative emissions by deliberately choosing the Truth.  You trade in your past for a VIP backstage pass to the Present Moment.  And you say Yes! to the invitation of the great NOW and shake the doubt off! Ninja thyself into the NOW.  You begin again. 
It is allowing yourself to stand in the darkness and feel the sadness.  Deeply. Go there. Explore and be available to discovering constructive ways to use it.  NOWism is feeling the pain and not creating suffering from it.  The Art of Feeling.  Feeling is an Art.  You are living in a story.  Painting masterpieces with your emotions.  NOWism is knowing you are not living in circumstances you are living in consciousness.  It is being in a Tryst with the Living Law.  A Romance with the NOW   Making every moment sacred, you keep a tight quality control on your attention.   You are the dynamic editor of the content of consciousness.  The conscious author telling the story from within it.
Take what you already kNOW… and make it new.  Participating in it NOW.  What is NOWism to you?
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