
Take a conscious breath…
Can you feel that?  Really stop and feel. Your heart is beating- directing a river of blood to flow.  Your hair is growing.  Your eye lids are blinking.  Your ears are hearing.   Can you hear it?   Your brain translates.  Oxygen is entering into your system, commencing an epic journey through a maze of amazingness. Air rushes deep into the lungs and undergoes a miraculous transformation; to now be reborn into the world as carbon dioxide. A microscopic team of paramedics is tending to a tiny scratch on your toe. Trillions of cells buzzing; information being passed through complex networks of isms!  And then you swallow, you remember… and you smile.  Such harmonious orchestration!  A brilliant arrangement of time and space events!
There is a Divine activity taking place inside of you right NOW.  And it doesn’t rest. It is a stream of intelligence that is ever present; it operates from love.  It is light.  It is a miracle.  It is Source energy.  This cosmic torrent that moves in, through and around you, is Well-Being, and it moves through all things.  Castles and candles, hands and houses, seeds and sand, man and mushrooms!  The Divine intelligence is evenly distributed and is on a quest for expression and expansion.  It operates through and AS you. Life lives you and ultimately, it is a celebration.  
This energy that creates worlds is on your side, and if you will take a moment to take an interest, you learn how to conduct yourself in a way that seems to amplify the beauty, the love, the harmony, the well-being and the abundance.  
I say ‘seems to’ because the truth is the perfection is always present in its fullness.  However, your perception and realisation of this flow fluctuates and sometimes manifests as unwanted experiences that pull your focus and distract you from the great truth of your being.
The only adjustment that ever needs to take place- is an inner adjustment.  The whole gig- is a vibrational one.  The only time you can start, is NOW.  So don’t delay, consciously participate in you Present Moment!  Practise YOUR version of NOWism! 
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