Letting the old go. Calling in the new. Appreciating the gathering of experiences. In just one rotation around the sun I have become a completely different being. So have you. The connections, the love, the...

Be still. Be here. NOW.It is all about taking what you already know…and making it new. NOWism. NOWism is way of living. It is a way of being.  It is a way of seeing the world through a filter...

  I have used this sacred space to play, create, celebrate and vision. I have walked it for hours to plug into the Truth and to unplug from the incessant ridiculous commentary of my mind. I have...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZswOpZ2TW0&feature=youtu.be Who really can explain why we feel connected to certain individuals...

It has been a delight to discover that Trust is actually a muscle, because I didn’t always have it and now I do.  I remember when I felt the pull to devote myself to a...

What I learned is this, when you look at the ‘whole task’ you are setting yourself up to feel overwhelmed. To try and ‘think it all out’ in the Present Moment, is the ego’s...

There is a Divine activity taking place inside of you right NOW. And it doesn’t rest. It is a stream of intelligence that is ever present; it operates from love. It is light....